Our ultimate chiminea accessory bundle pack contains all you need to get started. What will you do with your chiminea? Hold absolutely fabulous alfresco parties? Keep your self warm while you do the gardening? Eat with the family outdoors? Invite friends and family round for a summer evening ‘do’? Gather outside in chilly weather to avoid giving each other covid? Whatever style of chiminea you’ve chosen, whatever your intentions for your outdoor space, this cool kit provides the stuff you need for fire-making and BBQs. Because it’s all such good quality you’ll get cracking with confidence.
Ultimate chiminea accessory bundle contents
- A chiminea cover to keep your chim dry and clean
- Pumice stone to protect the belly of your chiminea
- A poker for creating the perfect blaze
- A cook stick to help you make delicious cuisine
- A toasting fork for toast, cubes of cheese, chunks of veg or fruit, anything you fancy
- A grill for succulent alfresco meats, fish and veg
- A sturdy pair of tongs for picking things up safely like a pro
This is how you make great savings on multiple purchases. And it’s just the tip of an exciting iceberg. As well as this chiminea accessory bundle we have oodles of brilliant chiminea accessories for you, including fuels and cooking gear. And we’ve also written about every imaginable aspect of chiminea life in our blog.