Britain’s favourite BBQ foods – It’s official!

Palazzetti Antille Complete Outdoor BBQ Kitchen with Wood Fired Oven

YouGov polling is used to figure out and pin down all sorts of national habits and opinions. But it’s also about the flavour! A poll saw YouGov reveal the nation’s favourite BBQ foods – and the least favourite as well. Is your best-loved barbie recipe on the list? Here are the facts.

  • Chicken skewers, bread rolls and chicken breast are pretty damn popular
  • Pork sausages are a big winner
  • Beef burgers, garlic bread and baked potatoes are also hot favourites with alfresco foodies
  • 82% of us adore chicken skewers, bread rolls and chicken breast
  • Just 4% of us hate bread rolls – which is a bit strange. We can’t imagine anyone having really strong feelings about something as harmless as a bread roll 😉
  • 58% of us say we like pork sausages a lot’, with beef burgers takin second place at 57% and chicken breast hitting the 56% mark
  • 74% of us rate steak highly
  • Coleslaw, potato salad and corn on the cob make 72% of us smile
  • Chicken thighs are big faves with 69% of us
  • 63% say we adore halloumi
  • The posher folk amongst us like crudités (67%), ribs (66%) and pasta salad (66%)
  • Lamb is quite popular but not as beloved as other meat: Lamb skewers hit 67% and lamb chops come in at 63%
  • We quite like dips, with hummus, guacamole and tzatziki, baked sweet potato, prawn skewers and chicken wings scoring high
  • While 59% of us say we enjoy chicken wings, 28% don’t like them at all
  • There are millions of vegetarians in the UK but veggie burgers are only a hot topic with 44% of us
  • Vegetarian sausages score 40%
  • But horror of horrors… aubergine steaks are not wanted, with just 31% of us saying they’re tasty enough for rock ‘n’ roll

Are there any more patterns in our BBQ habits?

Yes, there are. Apparently men like steak more than women, a difference of 13%, and men like ribs more than women too: 73% of men but just 59% of women.

Generational differences in our favourite BBQ foods

Women say they like green salads more than men, 83% versus 70%, and veggie alternatives are more popular with women than men. But the biggest shocker is crudites, with 75% of women saying they’re a favourite against just 57% of men. By the same token, whereas 84% of women say baked spuds are their fave, 86% of men much prefer a beefburger.

Age wise, beef steaks and burgers delight every generation and garlic bread scores a consistent 80% or so whatever the age group. But younger people love veggie BBQs a lot more than the over-55s, along with chicken wings. Veggie food and chicken wings – a bizarre combo.

Older folks tend to like baked spuds, potato salad, green salad and coleslaw more than their younger counterparts, the most dramatic difference being coleslaw. While 80% of the over 55s quizzed love it, 18-24s are less keen at 57%.

Pity the aubergine steak, which nobody loves

The aubergine steak, poor thing, is the least popular of all with every age group. Aubergine steak, we salute you… even though you have a tendency to become slimy and slithery 😉