Three XL chimineas – Big, bold and beautiful

XL chimineas

What size is your garden? Are you searching for a choice of three XL chimineas? If your lawn, deck or patio is a little one, a smaller version of our beautiful chimineas makes perfect sense. You need to leave enough room around the edge for people to sit, stand, cook and move around safely, in […]

The Toledo Chiminea – Six Years No Maintenance!

What does a cast iron chiminea look like after six years outdoors with absolutely no maintenance? You can spend time keeping a cast iron chimenia in perfect nick, getting rid of small spots of rust as they appear, covering her up, and keeping her out of the rain through the winter months. Or you could […]

Four of the Best Selling Chimineas for 2022

best selling chiminea

When the world went into lockdown in 2020 our sales shot into outer space. Brits discovered the joy of the chimenea in their millions, many for the first time. 2021 saw much of the same, with sales booming and countless people wanting the finest chiminea accessories. In 2022 it’s a case of ‘same again’. The […]