Our pottery chimenea of the week

Mexican chiminea

Our steel chimeneas and cast iron chimeneas always go down a storm, but a pottery chimenea gives you the traditional look so many people love. It’s softer-looking, more natural-looking, and while you do need to take a bit more care over the maintenance and stick to smaller fires, the clay versions of this classic patio […]

3 BIG chimeneas to inspire your autumn

Asteria XL Chimalin AFC chimenea in glazed purple, including lid & stand

Why choose a chimenea? They’re versatile, good-looking, extremely efficient and great fun to use. If you’re looking for a particularly dramatic model to add instant ‘awesome’ to your garden lifestyle, here are three really big chimeneas to inspire you. Three big chimineas to enhance the outdoor fun A chim gives you outdoor heat, comfort, style […]