Brilliant BBQ Recipes for Vegans, Vegetarians & Meat Eaters

We’ve talked about cooking on a chiminea before. It’s an awesome way to prepare delicious food outdoors, fun as well as easy and effective. With the BBQ season on the horizon and the weather – at long last – showing signs of warming up, we thought it’d be fun to give you a whole load […]

Simple Garden Landscaping – Digging Down, Piling Up

All you have to do is visit a National Trust garden, English Heritage property or stately home and you’ll see stunning, rolling landscapes to die for, complex and interesting gardens stretching for what feels like miles, full of visual secrets. Awesome. Then you go back home, look at your flat grassy square… and despair. Can […]

Real Life Chiminea Stories – Two Go Mad in North Devon

So how do people actually use their chimineas? Different people use their chimineas in different ways. We talked to Kate and Tony over in remote North Devon about their chim experiences, and got them to send us some photos. Kate and Tone’s chiminea adventures “We bought our beautiful cast iron chiminea from the Chiminea Shop […]

OMG – Cool Firebowl Garden Furniture Sets!

Good, solid, attractive outdoor furniture is the perfect complement to any garden. A fire pit or bowl is the ideal way to keep the chill off when you’re enjoying the outdoors, and even to cook on. Put them together and what do you get? Beautiful garden furniture with an integral firebowl. Blimey. That’s what we […]

Winter Chiminea Care – Put Your Chim to Bed for Winter

Many of our customers keep using their chiminea right through the winter, using it to enjoy the great outdoors in comfort even when the weather’s horrible. A few of you prefer to pack your chiminea safely away for the winter, saving it for spring, summer and autumn. So how do you stash your chim so […]