Chiminea Safety Guide – Things NOT to do

Chimineas are wonderful things, transforming chilly outdoor spaces into cosy places to chat, party and eat alfresco, day and night. But, just the same as anything do to with fire, you need to take great care around them, especially when there are children around. According to ROSPA, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, […]

Cast Iron Chiminea Versus Clay Chiminea – How to Choose?

Cast iron is sleek, dark, good-looking and resilient. A cast iron chiminea shoves out enormous amounts of heat. Clay is smooth, beautiful and durable. A clay chiminea throws out vast amounts of heat. Hm. How do you decide which is best for you? About clay and cast iron chiminea We thought it’d be handy to […]

Spring tips for chiminea maintenance and care

If it’s been raining more or less non-stop since autumn where you live, you’re not alone. It has been a spectacularly wet and windy winter, and gardens all over the nation are looking well and truly ragged.   How to maintain a chiminea   You can use your chiminea all year round, of course. That’s […]

Should I use sand, gravel or pumice / lava stones in a clay chiminea?

  A very common question that we get asked is whether you should use pumice stones (aka lava stones), gravel or sand in the bottom of a clay chiminea. So for those new to chimineas you need to add a layer of insulating material in the belly of your traditional clay chiminea (there are modern […]

Chimalin AFC Chimineas – A Brief History

Continuing the theme of getting more background information about new chimineas we now move on to the most exciting innovation of all – Chimalin AFC (Advanced Fire Clay). These chimineas are guaranteed against cracking from heat (not from being dropped!) and even come with a 5 year guarantee from Gardeco the manufacturer. We spoke with Isabelle […]

Helios Chiminea – A Rough Guide

As the Helios cast iron chiminea range has arrived at Chiminea Shop we thought we’d take some time to learn more about these magnificent beasts. We spoke with Isabelle Harris, the MD of Gardeco, to find out what inspired them, and why the Helios chiminea range offers something new to the cast iron chiminea market. What inspired […]

Impossible? A clay chiminea which won’t crack

guaranteed for 5 years… and no curing either.   There’s no denying it, clay chimineas look great.   But not everyone wants the faff of curing it, then forever worrying about it cracking?   It may have actually put you off buying one. But not anymore …   Gardeco have launched a clay chiminea which doesn’t […]

Using a Chimalin AFC Clay Chiminea

The following post is by a Chiminea Shop customer who wanted to share his experience of using the brand new Chimalin AFC range of crack resistant clay chimineas. The model in this post is the Sempra Chimalin AFC Clay chiminea finished in mottled dark brown. Having recently purchased a new house, and spending significant time developing the […]

The secret to a roaring fire in your chiminea

Want to know how to get your chiminea blazing?  Here’s how I do it – without fail, every time: First off, no matter what your final, main fuel will be – charcoal, logs, etc – you must always start with the same 2 things: 1.  What you’ll actually light.  Lightly scrunched balls of newspaper work […]