Avoid Thermal Shock – Prepare Your Chiminea Properly

You’ve bought a fabulous new clay chiminea from us. It arrives in perfect nick. You assemble it in your garden or on the patio, an easy job. You’re excited about test-driving it… so excited that you over-cook the fire, creating a massive blaze and using far too much wood. And, lo and behold, the blasted […]

How is a Clay Chiminea Made? It’s a Pottery Thing

Clay chimineas have real character. Some designs are made by hand rather than moulded, which means every one is slightly different. And the firing process means every clay chim, no matter how it’s made, has its own unique finish. How are they made? How clay chimineas are made In the old days clay chims were […]

Contemporary Chiminea – We pick the newest options

Chimineas have been used for hundreds if not thousands of years for cooking and warmth by cultures around the world, in Mexico and beyond. The shape is perfectly designed for the job in hand, and has never really been improved upon. But that doesn’t mean every chiminea has to be traditional in design – so […]

3 Delicious, Quick and Easy Chiminea Recipes

Roll back time just a few decades and British cuisine was stuck in the dark ages, a nightmare of squishy, overcooked vegetables and tough meat. Eating alfresco was something we only did on holiday, and the barbecue scene was in its infancy. Now things couldn’t be more different. These days many Brits are budding master […]

How to Get Started With Your New Chiminea?

Congrats, you’ve got your new chiminea. Now we often get people contacting us to say their new chiminea has already started to rust, or the paint is peeling. It isn’t because there’s anything wrong with the chimineas we sell. Far from it. We don’t do cheap and nasty. Every chiminea we sell is top quality, […]

What is the Best Chiminea?

It’s a question we’re asked quite a lot: what is the best chiminea? The answer goes along the lines of ‘how long is a piece of string’. It depends on your outdoor space, your lifestyle, your aesthetic taste and what you want to achieve with your chiminea. A gadget that delivers perfectly-cooked foods? Something to […]

Make a 3-for-2 Chiminea Accessories Bundle

You love a bargain. You adore your chiminea, outdoor oven or firebowl. It’s a match made in heaven. Here’s how you can harness our special offer, which always includes a free chiminea cleaner, to create your own unique chiminea + accessory bundle. Here’s what you need to know to enhance your chim experience to the […]

New Chiminea for 2016

One minute Britain is hibernation, waiting for spring. The next it’s sunny and we’re poking our heads above the proverbial parapet, keen to get outdoors and enjoy the lovely fresh air. The chiminea season has kicked off with a bang, everyone’s feeling alfresco and our new chiminea range is ready and waiting for your delectation. […]

Common Chiminea Questions and Expert Answers [FAQ]

As chiminea get more and more popular, we’re asked a growing number of questions about them, what they’re for, how to use them properly, what to do in a wide variety of circumstances, you name it. Here are six of the most popular chiminea questions, and our answers. What is the purpose of a chiminea? […]