Chimenia, Chiminea, Why the Different Spelling?

Chimenia, Chiminea, Why the Different Spelling?

You want one. You need one. You desire one. But what on earth is it called? Our world can get confusing, with a choice of ways to spell the products we sell. Chiminea is simply the Spanish word for chimney. It makes perfect sense bearing in mind the shape of the thing, with its elegant, […]

Fire Pit or Chiminea – Which Gets Hotter?

Which gets hotter, chiminea or firepit

Fire Pit of Chiminea? It’s a tough one. You’re trying to choose between a chiminea and a fire pit, but which is the hottest? Well, that’s easy enough. A chimenea will usually get hotter than a fire pit of the same size. Why? Because the clever shape means the fire is contained, heating up the […]

Chimineas and covid – meeting family outdoors!

Meeting family outdoors in covid with chiminea

Chimineas and covid. It’s a match made in heaven. Who knew, when we started the business, that we’d end up a primary provider of chimineas to a nation flattened by a pandemic? There we were, trundling along happily, selling chimineas around the UK, then covid hit, everyone was locked down, and one of the weirdest […]

How hit and miss fencing can save your alfresco life

Wooden fence blown down by strong winds

It’s windy. And as climate change moves ahead it’s set to get more windy across the UK. While wind can be fun and exhilarating, it can also be destructive and annoying. Picture this. Your friends, family and guests have arrived ready for an outdoor event at your place. Everything’s prepared. You’re on the ball. Then […]

How to repaint a chiminea and freshen it up?

repainting your chiminea

Our large collection of stunning chimineas come in a multitude of shapes, sizes, and colours. They’re perfect for outdoor entertainment even when the weather’s cold. Clay chimineas made in Mexico are the best of the bunch. The design has ben developed and honed over hundreds, maybe thousands of years and they’re loved for their especially […]

So you want to impulse-buy a chiminea, fire pit or pizza oven?

firepit in sunset

With the best will in the world, our forecasters can’t make decent predictions about the weather more than a few days ahead. There’s no way the weather people can pin down an entire ‘barbecue summer’ like the tabloids predicted a few years ago. They were wrong, of course. It was a particularly damp and chilly […]

Blue- ass fly or chilled? Hot tips for alfresco parties

Look out of the window. Go on, take a peek. Is it sunny? Is it warm? Probably. We’re on the very brink of summer, a delightful time of year, and you’re mulling over the plans for your first big alfresco ‘do’ of the season. You want everything to go right first time. But what if…? […]

Super-simple spring cocktails and snacks – Happy Easter!

Five exotic cocktails on ice in hands joined in celebratory toast

Easter used to be an ordinary Bank Holiday, four days off in a row that’d see millions of us driving hundreds of miles to take an early spring break. Millions of us still drive hundreds of miles at Easter, but just as many stay home, avoid the traffic altogether and just… relax! These days Easter […]

3 great steel chimineas & the amazing stuff they’re made from

If you’re wondering which chiminea to buy, what chiminea is best, there are all sorts of factors to take into account. But rest assured every chiminea we sell, whether it’s steel or cast iron or clay, works beautifully to heat your outdoor space. This time around we’re taking a look at steel chimineas and the […]