Walk into any decent-sized garden centre or DIY outlet and if you’re lucky you’ll spot one, two, maybe even three or four different chimineas to choose from. Pah. Four? We, on the other hand, have an astonishing 86 beautiful clay chimineas to explore, everything from really neat and small to XL, in every imaginable colour […]
A wooden shed is beautiful, useful, practical, and often remarkably easy to build. Shed kits are fairly easy to handle, usually simple enough to construct in a day. We know people who have created entire indoor-outdoor rooms themselves on a home-build basis, following basic online instructions. The results are well insulated and cosy, and can […]
Winter? Pah! You fearlessly throw ice cubes down the very string vest of winter, without a care in the world, thanks to your chiminea. As long as it isn’t actually raining or sleeting you’ll stay warm. Actually, although you’re not meant to light a chiminea indoors, you can fire her up under a car port […]
It can be tough choosing festive gifts for grown up friends and family, especially when they’re people who already have more or less everything they need. It can be tricky buying gifts for young people who have left home or just set up house together, difficult to find something they like and that they’ll actually […]
November. It’s the month when Movember takes place, when millions of British blokes spend the month committing awful facial hair crimes in support of changing men’s health for the better. It’s usually chilly outdoors, marking the tail-end of autumn and the start of winter. And that means we get a run on pizza ovens – […]
Halloween is almost upon us, AKA All Hallows Eve, the night when spirits go walking and life goes all spooky. We’ll be firing up our chiminea to toast marshmallows and roast apples on sticks, a treat combined with plenty of spicy mulled wine. What about you? Whatever you’re up to this year, it’s interesting to […]
Are you planning to site your chiminea on the lawn? If so special our chiminea floor protector mat might be a good idea, and many of our chimineas come with a metal stand to keep the grass from getting singed. We also sell chiminea guards to keep sparks from getting where they shouldn’t. But what […]
You spend lots of time outdoors. Or that’s your ambition. Either way, you may as well make your outdoor space an interesting and entertaining place to be, somewhere your friends, family and guests like to be because it’s a bit different. And that can include visual treats like DIY garden art and sculpture. It’s a […]
Every chiminea deserves a solid base to safely stand on, a surface that won’t get burned or heat damaged, something good and sturdy. You can stand a chim on a wooden deck or concrete or stone patio, of course, even on the grass or bare earth if you like, but why not add some colour […]
You’re suffering from chiminea envy. Your friends/neighbours/family have a lovely big garden, and they’ve created the most amazing outdoor entertainment area complete with an absolutely massive cast iron chiminea. Your patio, on the other hand, isn’t much bigger than a couple of double beds. A big chim will take up far too much room. What […]