Wildlife Garden 101 – Attract More Wildlife To Your Garden

Do you have a wildlife garden, or at least space for British wildlife? It matters because UK wildlife is in crisis. Despite the Hunting Act 2004, hunts across the land illegally kill foxes and deer every week throughout the season, September to March. These days the bustling city of Brighton is home to more foxes […]

Garden DIY – Make a beautiful chiminea stand

Stone showcase or rock podium stand on abstract white background with marble concept. Pedestal of product display for design. 3D rendering.

If you’re eagerly anticipating spring, you’re not the only one. All over the nation our customers are emerging, blinking, into the sunshine, admiring the daffs, crocuses, snowdrops and primroses, spotting early green shoots on shrubs, and thinking about getting the chim out for an absolute belter of a party. We sell a brilliant floor protector […]

Six awesome hot alcoholic drinks for winter alfresco entertainment

Boozy Warm Hot Chocolate

One of the best secrets to staying warm outdoors in cooler weather, through winter and early spring, is to eat tasty hot food and enjoy steaming hot alcoholic drinks. You could go on a coffee frenzy and make delicious exotic coffees for your guests, of course, or stick to tea, still one of the nation’s […]

20 tips – Preparing your garden for spring entertainment

Plenty of our customers use their chimineas all year round. We’ve even come across one family who used theirs on Christmas Day, firing her up and standing around enjoying festive mulled wine and mince pies outdoors, late into the evening. But most of us tend to use our chimineas in spring, summer and autumn, putting […]

Not one. Not two. We have 86 clay chimineas to choose from

Walk into any decent-sized garden centre or DIY outlet and if you’re lucky you’ll spot one, two, maybe even three or four different chimineas to choose from. Pah. Four? We, on the other hand, have an astonishing 86 beautiful clay chimineas to explore, everything from really neat and small to XL, in every imaginable colour […]

Alfresco Living Special – 30 Cool Alternative Uses For a Shed

cool shed

A wooden shed is beautiful, useful, practical, and often remarkably easy to build. Shed kits are fairly easy to handle, usually simple enough to construct in a day. We know people who have created entire indoor-outdoor rooms themselves on a home-build basis, following basic online instructions. The results are well insulated and cosy, and can […]

Brilliant party games to make a chiminea gathering go with a swing

garden party games around your chiminea

Winter? Pah! You fearlessly throw ice cubes down the very string vest of winter, without a care in the world, thanks to your chiminea. As long as it isn’t actually raining or sleeting you’ll stay warm. Actually, although you’re not meant to light a chiminea indoors, you can fire her up under a car port […]

Stuck for a great present? Chiminea gift ideas

a rusty metal fire pit with a fire burning

It can be tough choosing festive gifts for grown up friends and family, especially when they’re people who already have more or less everything they need. It can be tricky buying gifts for young people who have left home or just set up house together, difficult to find something they like and that they’ll actually […]

Who ate all the pies? You did! Here are 3 of the Best Pizza Ovens

November. It’s the month when Movember takes place, when millions of British blokes spend the month committing awful facial hair crimes in support of changing men’s health for the better. It’s usually chilly outdoors, marking the tail-end of autumn and the start of winter. And that means we get a run on pizza ovens – […]